
Become an Official

This is our hub to discover all the services and resources available to officials across the country.

From the amateur to the professional ranks, football officials play a key role in the sport. Football officials work flag, tackle and touch disciplines.

Interested in becoming an official?


Who Can Officiate?

  • Anyone with an interest or background in the game of football (flag, touch or tackle)
  • Must be in reasonably good fitness
  • Must have a willingness to learn and work with others as part of a team

Why Become An Official?

  • Great way to stay physically active
  • Give back to the game of football
  • Stay involved in football
  • Serve as a role model or mentor and develop leadership skills
  • Meet new people and socialize
  • Work as part of a team
  • Work towards becoming a junior, university or professional official
  • Development opportunities at regional, provincial, national or international competition

Do Officials Get Paid?

Yes they do! Officials are paid per game at a rate, based on the level they are working. The higher you progress, the more you can make!

First Year’s Expectations

Your first year as an official involves a lot of learning. You will attend a 1-2 day Level 1 certification clinic and receive a uniform prior to any assignments. You will also receive a rulebook which will help bring you up to speed on how to officiate Canadian football.

As part of an officials team, your fellow crew members will be there with you every step of the way, helping answer all of your questions and make sure that you’re in the right position to make the call.

Get Started Today

Earn your stripes and begin an exciting career as an official today! To learn more about becoming an official, please visit our online portal.

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