Concussion Awareness
Be aware of this brain injury that occurs during a game, with symptoms appearing on and off the field.
Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport
Up-to-date resources can be found on the Parachute website
What Is A Concussion?
A concussion is a brain injury that cannot be seen on x-rays, CT scans, or MRIs. It affects the way your child may think and remember things, and can cause a variety of symptoms.
What Are The Symptoms & Signs Of A Concussion?
It is important to know that your child does not need to be knocked out (lose consciousness) to have had a concussion. A variety of problems may happen after a concussion, including:
Thinking Problems
- Does not know time, date, place, period of game, score of opposing team, score of game
- general confusion
- cannot remember things that happened before and after the injury
- knocked out
Athlete’s Complaints
- headache
- dizziness
- feels dazed
- feels “dinged” or stunned; “having my bell rung”
- sees stars, flashing lights
- ringing in the ears
- sleepiness
- loss of vision
- sees double or blurry
- stomach ache / stomach pain, nausea
Other Problems
- poor coordination or balance
- blank stare / glassy eyed
- vomiting
- slurred speech
- slow to answer questions or follow directions
- easily distracted
- poor concentration
- strange or inappropriate emotions (i.e. laughing, crying. getting mad easily)
- not playing as well
What Causes A Concussion?
Any blow to the head, face or neck, or a blow to the body which causes a sudden jarring of the head may cause a concussion (i.e. a helmet to the head, being knocked to the ground).