Official Languages Policy
Policy Statement:
- FOOTBALL CANADA is committed to the promotion and use of the two (2) official languages of Canada in the delivery of its services.
- The FOOTBALL CANADA official languages policy is founded on the belief and respect for the linguistic rights of members of FOOTBALL CANADA. In keeping with that belief, the purpose and application of the official languages policy is consistent with spirit and intent to both the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982) and the Official Languages Act (1988).
- All important communications such as corporate documents, newsletters, press releases and specified bulletins should be translated. Although not all FOOTBALL CANADA communications, resources and correspondence will be available in both English and French, a wide selection of them will be available in each official language.
- If there are any discrepancies or disputes as to whether or not a document requires translation, determination will be made by the Executive Director.
- Every effort will be made to ensure that FOOTBALL CANADA members and partners will obtain services from FOOTBALL CANADA in the official language of their choice.
- All correspondence to the FOOTBALL CANADA office will be responded to in the official language in which it was received.
- FOOTBALL CANADA will ensure that simultaneous interpretation, or another type of appropriate translation service, is offered during official meetings of the Association as well as during the annual conference, as needed.
- When appropriate, documents will be adapted to French or English as opposed to a straight translation.
- When a title is chosen for a new program, project or resource, the creation of an equivalent French or English title will be kept in mind.
- All documentation leaving the national office will be subject to a quality control check.