6-A-Side Football
Football Canada is proud to promote 6-A-Side Football…”Half the number of players – Twice the athlete!”
The basics of 6-on-6 football are the same as traditional 12-on-12 football, aside from a few basic rule modifications. Benefits include:
- Faster paced game
- Exciting and Enjoyable
- Teaches all of the football fundamentals of tackling, blocking, passing, catching and kicking
- More 1 on 1 coaching
- High participation – everyone touches the ball
- Players are not regulated into one position
- Promotes a more balanced football player
- Cost effective – less equipment needed
- Appeals to less populated areas
- Attractive to smaller schools with limited enrollment – teams may dress as few as 15 players
- Easy to organize
- Encourages female participation and all girl’s leagues
- Excellent form of physical activity
- Develops life skills – cooperation, self discipline, self image