We pride ourselves on being able to provide programs with entry points for participants of all demographics. Our programming is standardized across the country and our curriculums and resources are aligned with both the Football Canada Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model and Sport Canada Long Term Participant Development Model.

First Down
Children are introduced to FUNdamental movement skills (e.g. jumping, catching, throwing) through activities and games. Boys and girls ages 4-7 (U6, U8).
6-A-Side Football
The basics of 6-on-6 football are the same as traditional 12-on-12 football, aside from a few basic rule modifications. Find out more about this mini-version of the game!
Women and Girls Football
Find out how we are making active steps to encourage more female participation across the sport – from players to coaches to officials.
Touch Football
A great way to enjoy the game by men, women, and children of all ages. The only equipment needed is a football!