Watch 2015 International Bowl live from Arlington, TX

by FBC

[su_button url=”″ target=”blank” style=”soft” background=”#e61937″ size=”15″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”0″ icon=”icon: youtube-play” desc=”2015 International Bowl series | U19 Game”]Watch live[/su_button]

[su_button url=”http://football-old.dock0/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/U19-Team-Canada-2015-International-Bowl_roster.pdf” target=”blank” style=”soft” background=”#e61937″ size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”0″ icon=”icon: cloud-download” desc=”Canada U-19 numerical roster “][/su_button]


Date Time (CT)[+2 AT; +1 ET; -1 MT] Event
Thursday, January 29 5:00 PM – U15; 6:15 PM – U16;7:30 PM – U17 Jamboree
Friday, January 30 7:30 PM U18 game – USA vs. Canada
Saturday January 31 10 AM USA vs. IFAF Selects
Saturday January 31 1 PM U16 game – USA vs. Ontario
Saturday January 31 4 PM U15 game – USA vs. Alberta
Saturday January 31 7:30 PM U17 game – USA vs. Ontario
Saturday February 7 1:00 PM U19 game – USA vs. Canada

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About the International Bowl

The 2015 International Bowl marks the second year that Canada’s U-19 and U-18 National Teams will play their U.S. counterparts in Arlington, Texas. The event will feature a week of practices and activities for each level culminating with official international competitions. Canada’s U-18 squad chosen from the 2014 Football Canada Cup (U-18 National Championship) will compete on Friday January 30 at AT&T (Cowboy) Stadium [roster here]. The event will also feature additional games between Canadian provincial teams and U.S. competition at AT&T Stadium.

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